Saturday 9 January 2010

Manageable Tasks

Mark Twain once said " The secret of getting ahead is getting started. The secret of getting started is breaking your complex overwhelming tasks into small manageable tasks, and then starting on the first one." This is me breaking a complex overwhelming task into a smaller manageable task.

I believe my last Blog post was in September 2008
and since then a lot has happened. Here I go stating the obvious again. I cant break down ALL of those things into smaller posts and I have no intention to. I can however, start day 1 of my new blog - manageable task number 1!
Task number 2 - decide what to write ( see what I am doing here - breaking it down - good old Mark Twain )

I consulted a good friend about restarting my blog and they suggested a couple of things although I am not entirely sure that midget wrestling or minty top trumps are the best suggestions in the world although they are definitely random!

Hmmmm I think this d
eserves an explanation, an explanation that may actually become the meat of my first post. So thats it Task 3 - after deciding what to write, WRITE about it!

Explaining what Top Trumps are to the unenlightened hmmmm - and I thought other people were Random, it turns out that I am Random too!

Top Trumps is a card game here in the UK and there are versions of it around the world although I am not sure just how popular they are. The Official Wikipedia entry ( like I trust Wikipedia!!! ) says this

"Top Trumps is a card game. Each card contains a list of numerical data, and the aim of the game is to compare these values in order to try to trump and win an opponent's card. A wide variety of different packs of Top Trumps have been published."

Wiki then goes on and on and on about top trumps and the history etc. Boring!

I will try to show you by giving you a couple of Cards to look at. These Cards are from the Lord of the Rings set. A Flying Nazgul and an Ugly guy. The scoring areas are Resistance to Ring/Age/Resilience/Ferocity/Magic/Height. Usually the highest score wins.

The game goes something like this.

Resilience - Nazgul wins

Ferocity - the Ugly guy wins

See! Top Trumps is simple. 2 players play and the winner is the one with all the cards at the end of the game. If a draw both cards go into centre and the next card is drawn. Winner of that round gets all 4 cards.
There are many varieties of TT to play such as Harry Potter, Supercars, James Bond, Warships, Dinosaurs, and an odd one about Punctuation according to the ever reliable and always trustworthy Wikipedia.

Top Trumps is mainly a kids game but it is also a good way to while away the hours between 10pm and 8am on a static post while Stewarding! Decaf and Itchy you know what I am talking about!

Enough of an explanation???? Thats all sh
e wrote anyway!

Anyhow thats all for my first post - just a taster, a smidgen of things to come. Just a reminder of how random I am,
how you can never predict what you are gonna get from anything I write and much you have missed my inane ramblings. I will really try this time to keep these posts going again and as Mark Twain said the sharper the knife the smaller the cucumber pieces! ( dont quote me on that as I suspect he only said that to my head....probably safest ).

To finish todays blog I have selected some odd and random images from around the world for you to comment upon. If you like this blog let me know a
nd what things you like about it. Maybe I will write about Midget Wrestling next???

Cheers me dears!!


Merwyn said...

Glad to see you Cap'n! So the game, Top Trumps, is almost like the classic game War...but on steriods lol. I still have fun playing that one!

The Cap'n said...

Yeah as far as I understand it. The era before stuff like Magic:The Gathering etc etc. Lots of varieties but the difference is it is not a card collecting game with packs in dribs and drabs. When you buy a pack of TT cards you buy the whole pack. None of this rare or ultra rare nonsense. I used to do that with Pannini football stickers.