Friday 12 September 2008

Mud, Mud, Glorious Mud!

Well, heres me back from Sugar Hill and I think I have about finally recovered. It was HARD WORK! I am not talking here about the manual lifting and moving things around the site, nor am I talking about the time I was set free on the Sound Desk in Main Stage. I am talking about the MUD - lots of it - lots and lots of it!

When we arrived it wasn't so bad as the sun had baked the ground around the farm and the ground was nice and firm. T'was a good 5 minutes that was! Then it rained, and then a bit more rain and then some more - in fact there was loads of rain! What was nice and firm and ready to be walked all over nicely soon became a bog that churned up at the slightest notice especially when lorries and other suchlike were ruining it more and more turning into the mudpit I knew and loved!

I will skip over the back breaking work that would usually have been manageable with a bit of effort and I will also skip over the fact it was raining and got very muddy - whoops - I aint good at this skipping lark!
I will say that I felt sorry for the organisers if the Festival, that the punters were mostly scum who couldn't care less about anyone else around them or their own living environment. Some of these "bands" were rebel types and their rebellion seemed to manifest itself in throwing away as much crap as possible, having open flames i.e. FIRES!!!! next to tents and shouting abuse at each other till 4am then moaning to each other afterwards about the dogs they had shagged that night. Pigs - the lot of em!
The music was crap and there were only 2 bands that I liked, one of which I didn't catch the name of at all. The other band I DID like was that of Imelda May - I must say she was awesome - sexy, sassy, raw talent and a strong voice singing rockabilly, backed up with a band of professional, talented musicians. This girl will go places given half the chance and the only thing holding her back is that the genre she sings is not the most "chart friendly". She definitely has the talent of some of my other favourite singers of today in Duffy and Adele.

Check Imelda out -

the above links are her singing in small venues but in the big top venue she was awesome. The crowd was the biggest I saw in there all weekend and they all braved the mire with glee, enjoying the show. If you can catch this girl live I would encourage you to do so. Anyway thats enough of the fanboy - onto other stuff now!

I don't think Sugar Hill festival will go on next year - it's been loss making for too long and this didn't do anything to help the situation as I think there were less than 100 punters there all week. I will not be back myself though even if it does go off again next year. Once is enough for me.

I came away from the Festival completely knackered, demorilised, confused, muddy, smelly and with a brand new waterproof, weatherproof Regatta coat for a Fiver! Bargain!!!!!

I will bid you adieu on this note - F Sharp.........

1 comment:

Sarah said...

sounds like not-fun.

So what next, now that the festival season is over?