Saturday 30 August 2008


Right, the first post seemed to come out ok and now that I have fiddled with a few things I seem to be all set. On with the show!!!

Ants! I ruddy hate em! Thats a bit of a random statement I know but I have had a few encounters with ants the past few days - lots and lots of them!

The story goes that my Father is doing up his Shed/Garage and that at the back of it was this crumbly old work bench that was fixed to the wall and had some sort of polystyrene ( spellcheck someone! ) backing. Anyway - its rotten - AND it has ants!!! a whole colony of them. Lots of ant spray later there are STILL ants and there is more and more wood to get off the wall and I am the one doing it because I fit better in the narrow opening and as much as Father wants to, he is not as supple as he used to be. Long and the short of it is that I got covered in ants! I hate the things all horrible and crawly so I gave them a good slapping as a man should do - Orrible things! I was straight in the shower to get any off me that might have lingered but I still itch slightly even now just thinking about them - I wonder if it is contagious? Are you sat there with arms or legs itching? Have they got into your pants? Are you sitting comfortably?

Let me know if the ants thing communicates itself across cyberspace - we might try cyber yawning next!

Anyway - thats my rant - I hate ants!


Sarah said...

I hate flies more than I hate ants. But yes, thank you, my scalp is crawling...

Anonymous said...

yup, thanks for that, I now have imaginary ants all over my house....

also, can you add wasps to the list? they're like ants but they can FLY.
(got stung at GB)

loving the blog btw, this is my first attempt to be less crap.....

(no nicknames please :)